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Utilities Docs
This file includes Documentation for all files in the Utilities Drawer. They
have all been combined into one to save disk space.
The Docs included in this file are:
Menu Runner
Doc File Headers are in
By J.L. White
(C)1988 Merlin's Software
Menu Runner is a replacement menu for the Workbench screen. Disguised
as a mind mannered menu clock, MR allows you to run 40 of your most
precious programs. The program is simplicity itself. All you do is edit
a simple text file to put your own commands in the menus. Each has the
option for extensions to be added so many C commands can also be used.
(ex. Dir df0:). Output goes to the Cli you ran it from or into its own
window if invoked from the Workbench.
MR displays the current time, chip memory, fast memory, and total free
memory. The names in the menus can be anything you wish up to 18 characters
(ex. Show a Picture). The file name can be up to 50 characters and you have
the option to open a window for extensions if they are needed.
Menu Runner is released as Shareware. If you like it and use it send $10 to:
J.L. White
1304 Four Seasons Blvd.
Tampa, Fla. 33613
(813) 971-4451
Enjoy... BODEAN
Written By J.L. White
(C)1987 Merlin's Software
NOTE: 1.1 has fix for printing labels. 1.0 had bug that would not print them
correctly. Now fixed!
I had started writing this program in Basic but I could not add alot of
features that I wanted to. I sent my ideas to
Greg Cunningham (DISKMAN)
to try and come up with something in C. Although he was busy with other
projects he was able to at least get things started for me. Since then
I started programming in C and decided to pull this back out and finish
it up.
This is not the release version but a sharware version!
Many things
will be added to it, but I felt there was enough done to release it and get
some feedback on it.
Database Wizard
is basically a mailing list program, although it can be
used for almost any type of Database. It will hold up to
entries in
any one file. It keeps info on the Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone,
and a Notepad for any information you wish to add about the person. Now
these gadgets will hold any string info so you can edit the picture to suit
your needs. (Examples would be Album Name, Artist, Songs On Record, etc.).
The options are almost self explanatory but I will tell you what they do
anyway. Load the DB-WIZ.data to see an example.
This gadget will load in your database file. The default is DB-WIZ.data
but you can enter any name in the load window.
This gadget will save your database file. The default is DB-WIZ.data
but you can enter any name in the save window.
For your first file just click in the name box and start. After the first
one just click the ADD gadget and the cursor will appear in the name box
ready for your next entry. To edit an entry just click the gadget and
change the text then press return. The new version will be saved when you
save the file.
This will delete the current entry. Be sure you want to delete it because
it does not ask if you are sure or not, it just deletes it.
This moves you forwards and backwards through your entries. The entry #
appears underneath the arrows.
This gadget lets your create mailing labels. It prints out the first 3
lines. You have the option to print all or just the current one. Test it
with one to make sure your labels are lined up then print them all.
This is the same as Label but it prints out all the information on the
screen. Again you have the option to print all or one.
This allows you to search for a certain name. Just click the gadget, then
the cursor appears in the name box ready for input. At this time it will
only search the name string and only the first characters (ex. Jeff White
would use J or Jeff not White to find it). This will be fixed in the next
Rather obvious isn't it?
There are 2 options in the menus. The first is info about the program. The
second one allows you to clear the database and start a new one.
The program is very simple to use and has been handy for me. I have both
Superbase and Maxiplan that I use alot, but I wanted something simple just
for my mailing list so here it is...
This version is released as
. If you like it and use it send
$15.00 to:
J.L. White
1304 Four Seasons Blvd.
Tampa, Fla. 33613
(813) 971-4451
This will enable you to get info on future updates and new releases from
Merlin's Software
Browser version 1.2, copyright 1987, 1988 by Peter da Silva.
Binary redistribution permitted at no charge.
browser -- a "programmer's Workbench" for the Amiga.
Browser provides a less flashy but more useful (at least
for programmer's and other power users) adjunct to the
Amiga Workbench. It also radically reduces the need for
directory utilities.
It emulates most of the features and capabilities of the
Workbench, in text-only windows. All files in the system
are accessible... not just the ones that have icons
associated with them.
Supported features include: executing, copying/moving,
renaming, and deleting files; and examining, copying/moving,
renaming, creating, and deleting directories.
Unsupported features: formatting, renaming, and making raw
copies of diskettes.
After starting up, Browser will open a small window in the
upper left corner of the screen containing a list of all the
available devices in the system. Holding down the menu
button will reveal two menus: "Browser" and "Tools". More on
these later.
To open a volume, double-click on its name. A new window will
open up, just below and to the right of the original location
of the master window. All files and directories in the root
directory of the volume will be displayed.
You can see where we're going. All the normal Workbench actions
will work under browser. You can open directories and start
programs by double clicking them. You can move or copy files
and directories by clicking them and dragging them to a new
NOTE: This version of the browser indicates that
you are moving files by changing the cursor to
a crosshair, like Workbench 1.1.
You can select a group of files by holding down either shift
key and clicking them one at a time. In this mode when you
click on a file a second time (after waiting for longer than
your doubleclick time, of course) it will become deselected.
This turned out to be convenient while I was testing it.
You can execute a file whether or not it has an icon file (a
.info file) associated with it. If there is no .info file
available, Browser will ask you if you really want to go
ahead with the operation.
WARNING: blithely starting CLI programs under
Browser, which provides a Workbench environment,
is likely to attract the attention of the Guru.
Shift-clicking a group of files and then shift-doubleclicking
a program works just like in the Workbench. You can also pass
a group of files to a program by installing that program in
your Tools menu.
Clicking a file and selecting Open has the
same effect as double-clicking that file.
This is equivalent to clicking the Close
gadget of the currently active window.
When you select this Browser will reread the
directory for the currently active window.
When you select this entry Browser will delete
all selected files. A directory must be empty
for Delete to delete it.
Delete All:
This is the same as Delete, except that
directories will be recursively deleted.
This entry will open a window and allow you
to enter a new name for one selected file.
Make Dir:
This prompts for the name of and creates a
new directory in the currently active window.
This is the equivalent of clicking the close
gadget on the Master window.
The entries in this menu depend on what tools you
want to use. I like putting More, a terminal program,
and CLI in here. Your milage may vary.
Add Tool:
Selecting this will put one selected program
into the tools menu.
Any other entry will kick that program off as
if you had shift-doubleclicked it.
This file contains a group of lines of the form:
A label to appear in the Tools menu.
Ignored in this release. In the future it
may be CLI or Workbench.
The name of the file to be kicked off when
this entry is selected.
An optional stack size, if the default 8K
isn't appropriate.
An optional ToolWindow, for programs that care
to pay attention to such things.
None known, although I have had a suspicious GURU when
doing massive single-disk copies under Browser. I have
also had a couple of GURUs when doing the same thing under
Workbench in the days when Browser was just a fond dream.
Let me know if you discover any.
Please make any suggestions you care to. I'd like ideas on
precisely how to emulate the CLI environment. There are a
couple of ways of doing this that I know of, none of them too
clean or easy.
Peter da Silva.
AT&T: (713) 497-4372
Usenet: ...!uunet!nuchat!sugar!peter
CI$: 70216,1076 (if you don't mind waiting weeks for
me to log on).
VirusX - Fourth in a growing line of "X-Utilities".
- By Steve Tibbett -
V1.01 Note: 1.01 is just 1.0 with a bug fixed. Also
cleaned up the source a tad (one less Goto).
The Virus is something that's been following us around
for a couple of months now, and I think it's about time
we got rid of it for good.
There are a number of CLI-based Virus Checkers out there,
which do their job just fine, but if you're not into
using CLI, what do you do? You use VirusX!
Please, I encourage you to give this program to anybody
who might have the virus. Including your local dealer -
some of the dealers in this area have the virus all over
their disks, which they allow customers to copy, and
they don't do anything about it because they don't know
how. VirusX makes it extremely simple.
You can put VirusX in your Startup-Sequence. When run,
it will open a small window so you know it's there (and
it will display the occasional message in it). Whenever
a disk is inserted into any of the 3.5" drives, that disk
is automagically checked for the SCA virus, and also
checked to see if it's boot sector is "Standard". If
the disk has a nonstandard boot sector, it is either
a new form of virus which I don't know about yet, or it
is a commercial program which uses the boot block for
something constructive (like booting their game).
If VirusX finds a boot block it is suspicious about, it
will present the user with a requester either warning
him that the disk has the SCA virus, or telling him that
the boot code is nonstandard. In either case, he is
given the option to either ignore it, or to Remove it.
If the user selects Remove, after he says he's SURE he
wants to rewrite the disk's boot sector (Remember: Never
rewrite the boot sector of a commercial program unless
you KNOW that program doesn't use it for something
else. If the program gives you the AmigaDOS window before
running, you know it is safe to repair that disk.).
The boot code written back to the disk by VirusX is the
same boot code that the AmigaDOS INSTALL command (and
it's compatible counterpart on one of the fish disks)
If you run across a strain of the virus, or any other virus
that VirusX doesn't specifically warn of, PLEASE send
me a copy of a disk with that virus on it! I want to
keep VirusX current, and to do so, I need the viruses.
I have heard tell of two other viruses besides SCA, but
I don't know much about them - yet.
Of course, there are those of you who are thinking that
I am some nut case trying to spread my own virus hidden
under the guise of a virus checker. Well, just for you,
I've included the C source code. Please, if you don't
trust me, don't discard a useful utility as untrustworthy
for no reason, CHECK THE SOURCE! Recompile it if you
think I'm trying to slip a fast one on you. I just
want to see the virus out of all of our lives.
I want feedback on this! Send me a letter!
This program is Copyrighted, but is freely redistributable
(It's NOT Shareware). Do what you want with it, but
Please don't use it for evil purposes. That's what I'm
trying to prevent.
My address:
Steve Tibbett
2710 Saratoga Pl. #1108
Gloucester, Ontario
K1T 1Z2
My BBS: OMX BBS, 613-731-3419.
One final note: If you click in VirusX's window, the screen's
title bar will show information on how many disks VirusX has
looked at, and how many it has found the virus on.
Another final note: If you stick a -C on the command line, VirusX
will check all disks in all drives for viruses immediately. If you
have a hard drive with a specific boot disk, and you don't take that
disk out during the whole session, it would otherwise never be checked.
Using the -C is a good idea, and is the default if you run from Workbench.
From CLI you must specify it, just in case somebody out there doesn't want
* *
* *
EMAIL CIS 71320,761
Smail P.O. Box 1112
Wheatridge, CO 80034-1112
Welcome to The B.A.D. Demo,
What is B.A.D. ya say ? Well...
B.A.D. - Blitz-Amys'-Disks
There is nothing more irritating than a Super Computer with SLOW Disks.
Relief at last !
B.A.D. is a group of programs that allow you to PERMANENTLY
Ya see the problem is that DOS dosn't write the data in the format that
the read routines can really use. The solution was discovered while
writing a HardDisk Back-up/Restore program ( Available SOON ! ).
Everyone I know is always complaining about the floppy's speed so
I applied what I found out about HardDisks and BAD was Born !
I decided that the floppy routines would benefit more people than
the harddisk routines so I shelved HYPER-BACK for a while and wrote BAD.
When the first test was completed I was amazed ! HARDDISK SPEEDS FROM
A FLOPPY ? That's right ! At least for DIRECTORIES and ICONS. Actual
data reading is the same speed as when you filecopy all the files to
a new disk ( There isn't a problem here, the Amiga already SMOKES on data,
reading a whole track each revolution ! ) The really neat thing is
that the speed increase is permanent- it's not just fast on what
you have already read in!
B.A.D., for floppies, takes the form of a program that replaces your
DISKCOPY command that blitzes the disk as it is copied. There is also
a utility program to do a quick relink of your directories and files
since as AmigaDos deletes and writes new data through normal use, the
Blitz will slowly go away. This is corrected with QuickLink between
diskcopies. For you Harddisk Owners there is BlitzHD that will Blitz
your harddisk INPLACE and a ChekSum'r that will remove those annoying
Checksum errors that accrue, without requiring you to do a format and
restore since they are usually NOT caused by a bad sector ( usable on
floppies also. ) An upgrade to Hyper-Back will be made available when
released for $20.00.
As an example I took my Marauder II disk and after deleting the ArkDemo
program from it, WorkBench took 22 secs to open the disk.
After the Blitz, WorkBench opened the disk in 3.5 SECS !!!
Find this hard to believe ?
Try out the DEMO and if you like what you see, read the MUST_HAVE.txt
Well this is MY answer to Advertizing...
Blitz.Demo uses a stripped version of the BlitzHD program to Blitz ONLY
THE ROOT DIRECTORY FOR WORKBENCH !!! of the floppy in drive DF0:.
Unfortunately this type of processing is not real efficient for floppies
so it is somewhat slow and will not Blitz all disks. Please have
patience- the results ARE IMPRESSIVE ! If you follow the directions
you shouldn't have any problems.
1>- Format a blank disk.
2>- COPY 1 to 20 small files with Icons onto the disk trying to
keep the disk as empty as possible to speed up the
processing time. Floppies are SOOOO SLOOOOW !
3>- Diskcopy your test disk to a blank disk so you can
see a before and after comparison.
4>- Copy BAD.DEMO onto one of your test disks and put
it in DF0:
5>- Now at a CLI type in `df0:BAD.DEMO' <RETURN>
The DEMO will process the ROOT DIRECTORY of the disk
and then cause a revalidation of the disk
6>- Now from WorkBench, open the disk. WorkBench will take some
time to reorganize ITS' information on the disk. MAKE SURE
THE WRITE PROTECT IS OFF so Workbench can rewrite it's own
.info file! When it is finished, close the disk's window.
Now Reopen the disk...Try it again... Yowsah!!!
Now, THE OLD ONE ? ... YCCH!!!
And now it's PERMANENT!!!
NOTE: Blitz DOES NOT do weird things to the floppy- it simply
lays down in a much more orderly fashion what AmigaDos did so
poorly to begin with. The result is 100% compatible with AmigaDos
and in fact AmigaDos will like what it sees- it will not have
to hunt all over the place to get what it needs.
If it runs out of room and you really want to try it on that disk,
TRY Filecoping it to a blank disk first.
I'd rather work on the real thing than some wastefull promo demo,
wouldn't YOU ?
B.A.D. Description:
B.A.D. Contains four programs:
Floppy Disk Optimizing Disk Copier
Harddisk Optimizer
Quick Blitzer for maintenance
ChekSum'r For Quick fixing those Nasty little things
My Previous project, Hyper-Back ( from which all these neat things come ! )
Will be resumed after tweeking of this interuption. So have no fear-
THE TRULY FAST Harddisk archive utility will prevail.
Ordering Info
To Get YOUR copy of B.A.D., Send the information on the form
below and $25.00 Check, Money Order, or Cash to:
P.O. Box 1112
Wheatridge, CO
Users of B.A.D. will be able to get Hyper-Back for $20.00
The Normal Price Of Hyper-Back will be $50.00
----------<<< Order Form >>>----------
First Name: _______________
Last Name: ________________
Address: ___________________________________
City: ______________
State: ____
ZIP: __________
A Few Questions Please:
Computer ? A500 A1000 A2000
Do You Have a HardDisk ( Yes / No ) ?
If YES What Type and Size ? _______________________________
I Normally Use ( WorkBench / CLI ) ?
How Much Memory OnLine ? ________K
Send Me NOW !
___ B.A.D. @ $25.00 ea. = $_____.00 TOTAL ( Available Feb. 21st )
Payment by: Check Money-Order Cash
___ Yes, Please Notify Me When Hyper-Back Is Available.
WIconify By Davide P. Cervone
wIconify is a program that allows you to turn windows on the workbench screen
into small icons on the workbench, similar to the disk icons. These can be
moved about, double-clicked to open, and acted on by workbench OPEN and CLOSE
menus. wIconify also provides additional menus to clean up the workbench,
organize the window icons, and open all the window icons.
WARNING: wIcoinfy works in sneaky and devious ways; it modifies structures
that it does not own, and probably will not work in a future release of the
Amiga system software. Use it at your own risk. No warranty is either
expressed or implied by this distribution.
wIconify comes in two parts: wIconify and wIconify-Handler. wIconify should
be placed in your C: directory if you are using it from a CLI or
startup-sequence, or in a drawer with its .INFO file if you are using it from
the workbench. wIconify-Handler should be placed in the L: directory.
To start up wIconify, simply double-click on its workbench icon, or type
1> wIconify
in a CLI window. You do not need to RUN wIconify.
To iconify a window, select it, and while holding down the left button, click
the right button. This sounds awkward, but is quite easy and natural with a
little practice. Be sure that you are holding down the left button when you
LET GO of the right button. We will call this a "left-right click." It is
the same as selecting multiple menu items, but with the buttons reversed.
When you left-right click in a window, it will disappear, and will be replaced
by a small window-shaped icon on the workbench window. The icon will be
labeled with the window's title. You can move the icon to a new position on
the workbench by dragging it the same way you would drag a disk icon.
To open a window icon, select it and choose the OPEN item in the WORKBENCH
menu, or just double click on the window icon. The iconified window will be
restored, and its icon removed from the workbench.
If the iconified window has a close gadget, then the CLOSE item in the
WORKBENCH menu can be used to close the window while it is iconified. Left-
right clicking on the window icon of a window that has a close gadget has the
same effect.
You can select multiple window icons by holding down the shift key when you
select the second and any additional window icons, but you can not select both
disk and window icons at the same time. You can move multiple icons just as
you would move individual icons. The OPEN and CLOSE menu items work on ALL
the selected icons, as do the double click (open) and left-right click (close)
When wIcoinfy is running, you will find an additional menu item in the
WORKBENCH menu of the workbench screen. Below the DISCARD item you should see
an ICONIFY item. This menu has five sub-menu items with the following effects:
The VERSION item displays the version number and copyright notice for wIconify.
The CLEAN UP item moves all of the window icons to the "grid" position that is
closest to their current position. This tends to make the workbench look a
bit "cleaner." The ICONIFY CLEAN UP item does not affect disk or tool icons.
The ORGANIZE item moves all of the window icons to the bottom of the screen,
where they can be easily seen (or uncovered, if a window covers them).
ORGANIZE does not affect the disk or tool icons.
The OPEN ALL item opens all the window icons (use OPEN from the WORKBENCH menu
if you want to open only the selected icons). OPEN ALL does not affect the
disk or tool icons.
The END item causes wIcoinfy to end. Any iconified windows are restored first.
You can also end wIconify by running wIconify a second time from either the
CLI or the workbench.
The workbench MUST be loaded BEFORE you run wIconify. If you want to use
wIconify in your startup-sequence, you should put wIconify AFTER the loadwb.
To avoid disk thrashing, it is a good idea to put a WAIT between the loadwb
and wIconify commands. For example:
Wait 4
Icons are placed on the workbench starting at the lower left corner.
Subsequent icons are placed farther to the right. When the bottom row is
filled, they begin at the left of the next row up. Since the window-sizing
gadget is in the lower right of a window, it is easiest to make room to the
right and below a window (you shrink it to the left or up). Since disk icons
already are to the right of the workbench, it seems natural to put the window
icons at the bottom, where they are easily uncovered.
Only windows on the workbench screen can be iconified by wIconify.
Iconifying a disk or drawer window causes the window to close rather than
iconify (since disks and drawer already have their own icons).
Programs can supply their own icon images for windows that they open.
wIconify uses a default image for windows that do not provide their own.
This is discussed in greater detail in the wIconify programmer's documentation.
Output that goes to a window while it is iconified will not be lost. For
smart-refresh windows, their contents will be restored immediately after they
are de-iconified. Simple-refresh windows will receive a REFRESHWINDOW event,
and should update their contents under program control. Super-bitmap windows
will be updated from their bitmaps.
Note that iconifying a window DOES NOT save any chip memory; indeed, it will use
up MORE if the window is a smart-refresh window. Iconifying a window is just
like covering it up with another window as far as memory usage is concerned.
If chip memory is very low, you may not be able to iconify smart-refresh
windows. Their icons will still appear, but the windows will not disappear.
If this happens, just double click on the icon to remove it. You will have to
free up some chip memory before you can iconify the window.
wIconify takes about 21K of memory when it is running. As windows are
iconified, additional memory is allocated for the icons. wIconify should free
all the memory that it allocated when it exits.
wIconify, Copyright (c) 1987,1988 by Davide P. Cervone.
You may use, copy, and distribute wIconify as much as you want, provided this
copyright notice is kept intact; you are not permitted, however, to charge
money for wIcoinfy in any way, except to cover media and distribution costs.
If you wish to use wIconify as part of a commercial product, please contact
the author.
I am NOT asking for money from you if you use this. I AM asking that you send
me electronic mail if you like and use wIcoinfy. All I want is to get a little
"thank you" note now and then for my efforts. There is nothing that pleases
me more than to hear that someone is using and likes one of my programs. If
that someone is YOU, then please let me know. If you do not have access to an
electronic network, please send a postcard with your favorite bit of Amiga
trivia. Of course, you can still use wIconify even if you don't. I try to
answer all my mail, even when it bounces.
Davide P. Cervone
University of Rochester Computing Center dpvc@tut.cc.rochester.EDU
Taylor Hall dpvc@ur-tut.UUCP
Rochester, New York 14627 DPVC@UORDBV.BITNET
(716) 275-2811
Copyright 1987 by Tigress
Written by Gary Kemper
P.O. Box 665 - Glendora, CA - 91740
(818) 334-0709
DosKwik is comprised of the two programs ReadKwik and RiteKwik.
With DosKwik you can save and load files about 3 times faster than DOS,
save more data on a disk, and even save a 2 MEG file on multiple disks.
For example if you had a massive 2 MEG spread sheet in RAM:, you could
only save it if you had a hard disk - now you can use DosKwik.
( A 901,080 byte file can fit on one disk)
RiteKwik is used to save the contents of VD0: or RAM: to disk, and
ReadKwik will read it back in exactly as it was when it was saved,
including directories. You can also merge two disks together in ram or
if you already have files in ram.
Syntax: ReadKwik drive ram_device
RiteKwik ram_device drive
Use RAM:, VD0: ... etc for the ram_device.
Use 0, 1, 2, 3 for the drive.
You start by setting up the ram exactly like you want it. If you are
using RAM: put a disk in drive 1 (it does not have to be formatted) and
enter < RiteKwik RAM: 1 >. This will save the entire contents of your
ram disk to drive 1. If there is not enough room on the disk you will
get a requester asking you to put in another disk. After you insert the
next disk click OK on the requester. You can save an unlimited amount
of data. The disk(s) that are created cannot be used by the DOS, but
can be copied with Diskcopy.
After you have made your disk(s), you enter < ReadKwik 1 RAM: > to
read your files back into RAM:. You can put the command into your
startup-sequence. If you have multiple disks you will get a requester
telling you when to put the next disk in, or if you put a disk in in
the wrong order. All directories will be created and all the files will
copied as they were when you saved them.
As an example for one use, take that 2 MEG spread sheet. If you had the
ram you would just save it to RAM:, and then exit the program. Now you
can use RiteKwik to save it. When you want to load it again you do it
before the program is run. I use it to load all my C files, which saves
minutes and lets me keep them all on one disk. It's also good for giant
digitized sound files.
The DosKwik files may not be sold for profit, but can be included
in public domain disks such as Fish and Amicus disks, where the charge
is for copying and the disk itself. If companies which have programs
that can create large data files wish to include DosKwik, contact me
at the above address or phone number. For you people who like the program
and feel that it is worth $10 please send it to the address above. This
will keep programmers writing programs that people really use.
Gary Kemper